The novel vivdly portrays the roller coaster of her young imagination, the frustration and desire she feels, the willingness to compromise and accept a less than perfect situation, the significant step forward their marriage takes when a child comes into it, until the day she snaps. There is ...
Her father assumes his previous habits, embarking on his latest project, confined to his library most days, employing an assistant to help him, a young man who appears to have a crush on Claudine. Seeking company outside the home, Claudine asks after her father’s sister. “Why haven’t ...
These fearsome fish have around 500 needlelike teeth sticking out of jaws (颌) that are strong enough to crush crustaceans (甲壳动物). How lingcod maintain the sharpness of their terrifying teeth has long been a puzzle. But a study, published in November in the Proceedings of the Royal ...