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The must-have free word counter that provides an extensive report about the word count, character count, keyword density, readability & many other useful stats.
Word Count Tool is a site that, well, gives you the word count for your text. But wait! If you think that’s all there is to it, then we’ve got a treat for you. Despite the name of the site, Word Count Tool isn’t just your typical online word counter. It has some cool fe...
Just imagine, if you've read all of the "Harry Potter" books, then you've read at least 1,227,000 words or 6,667,911 characters!We downloaded eight books about Harry Potter in PDF format, dragged the files into the word counter window, and clicked the count button. Just a couple of...
ruby nlp natural-language-processing wordcount word-counter rubynlp wordscounter Updated Oct 28, 2021 Ruby mvximenko / wordy Star 43 Code Issues Pull requests Word frequency counter for .epub, .txt and .srt language books book word natural-language english subtitles epub srt anki txt ank...
Yes. We are free for users because we are ad-supported. What Is a Live Word Counter Online? Our live word counter calculates the number of words, characters, sentences, and more automatically while you type. No buttons or any other user interaction is needed. ...
Word frequency counter for .epub, .txt and .srt languagebooksbookwordnatural-languageenglishsubtitlesepubsrtankitxtanki-flashcardssrt-subtitlesword-counteranki-cardsenglish-languageanki-decktailwindword-frequency-countword-frequency UpdatedFeb 25, 2024 ...
Write or paste your text into this online word counter: Data Privacy Here at countofwords.com, we do not store any of your personal data. This includes any text that is entered on the site for word counting! If you want to save your document, you should use a text editor or word pro...
When you add your text to QuillBot’s Word Counter, our powerful platform instantly performs the mundane task of counting for you, so you can see right where your word limit is sitting for your project. So, if you don’t know whether compound words count as one or two words, save yours...
Line counter for Text Messages Another popular form of communication is SMS or text messages through their mobile phones. Basically, here you send someone a short message that can be done quickly. Just as when using a computer, text messages also have a character limit and a built-in characte...