000 to 6,000 words. Michael Crichton writes chapters just as long, but he also famously throws in short, snappy chapters of 500 or 600 words. It’s hard to define the “ideal” or even the “average” chapter word count.
There’s no single answer to how many words in a novel. While80,000is anaverageword length for anaveragenovel (is there such a thing?), when it comes to specific genres of fiction there is somevariation[118]. Certain genres –epic[119]fantasy fiction[120]such asGame of Thrones, for e...
you can get a rough count by adding up the number of words on an average page and multiplying by the total number of pages.) Do this for several
the reading time will give you an estimate of how long it would take for an average person to read through the text. This is an especially nice feature to have when writing a speech since you often can’t tell how long it already is until you practice reciting it out loud. Having this...
The dialog contains three sections coveringCounts,Averages, andReadabilityscores. Some people also think of this as a readability index or a measure of how easy it is to read the content. While there may be a correlation between the Editor Score to readability, the Readability Statistics are ca...
Hi/Lo Books: Writing for Reluctant Readersat Writing World (stated count of 400-1200 words). Hi-Lo Books for Upper Elementary Grades at ALA(example titles ranging from 10-90k words). Writing for Children - Age Categories Determine the Guidelines for Your Children’s Bookat Suite 101. ...
▲ AVERAGE( ) 一组值的平均值。 ▲ COUNT( ) 一组数中的个数。 ▲ DEFINED(x) 如果表达式 x 是合法的,那么取值 1(true);如果该表达式不能计算,那么取值 0 (false)。 ▲ FALSE 0 (零)。 ▲ TRUE 1。 ▲ IF(x,y,z) 如果条件表达式 x 的值为 true,那么结果取 y ;如果该条件表达式的值为 fal...
Instead, this number is an average word count of the pages and posts that rank the highest in Google search results. Therefore, you can use it as a benchmark for your content, gauging whether or not your content has provided enough detail and value for Google to rank it. Let’s look ...
In one case, a fantasy book was in the top 25 best sellers with approximately 42,000 words (less than half of the average length for this category). Word count matters, but rules can still be broken! To answer the commonly asked question: Are 70,000 words enough for a novel? 70,000...
AVERAGE COUNT MAX MIN PRODUCT SUM As an example, consider the following procedure for adding numbers by using the SUM function and positional arguments. Important:To avoid an error while summing in a table by using positional arguments, type a zero (0) in any empty cell that...