本文,我將在Word中介紹此有用的功能。 快速比較兩個Word文檔並突出顯示差異 快速比較兩個Word文檔並突出顯示差異 如果您熟悉Word應用程序,競品對比Word中的功能可以幫您一個忙,請按以下步驟操作: 1。 打開一個空白文檔,然後單擊評論>競品對比>競品對比,請參見屏幕截圖: 2。 在彈出比較文件對話框,單擊 按鈕以從中...
编辑代码前,先在VS程序中添加引用Spire.Doc.dll文件,如下: C#using Spire.Doc;namespace CompareFiles_Doc{ class Program { static void Main(string[] ar C#/VB.NET 转载 mb601cea629e295 2021-02-26 15:18:29 281阅读 2评论 C#/VB.NET 比较两个Word文档差异 本文以C#和VB.NET代码为例,来介绍...
可以在比较两个MS Word文档时设置更改的粒度。这可以使用CompareOptions.setGranularity()属性完成。以下是...
//Load the second Word document Document doc2 = new Document(); doc2.LoadFromFile("Sample2.docx"); //Compare the two Word documents doc1.Compare(doc2, "Author"); foreach (Section sec in doc1.Sections) { foreach (DocumentObject docItem in sec.Body.ChildObjects) { if (docItem is Par...
For whatever reason, you have two or more Word Documents and don’t have the time (or the sanity) to manually compare them. In this post we will walk you through the best way to compare two Microsoft Word Documents, saving you a whole heap of time and frustration. It’s as easy as...
This article shows you how to compare two Word documents to find difference, assuming that you have an original version of a document and at least one other changed version.
比較兩份文件並傳回Document物件,代表文件包含兩個文件、 使用追蹤的修訂標記之間的差異。 語法 expression。CompareDocuments(_OriginalDocument_,_RevisedDocument_,_Destination_,_Granularity_,_CompareFormatting_,_CompareCaseChanges_,_CompareWhitespace_,_CompareTables_,_CompareHeaders_,_CompareFootnotes_,_CompareText...
WordComparator+main(args: String[])+compareDocuments(doc1: XWPFDocument, doc2: XWPFDocument) 流程 程序执行时,首先加载两个Word文档,然后逐段比较每个段落的文本内容。若发现不相同的段落,程序会打印出差异,便于用户进一步处理。 序列图 以下是程序的序列图,显示了对比过程中的消息传递: ...
How to compare documents and files using free tools How to compare documents in Word Microsoft Word makes it really easy to compare documents in the desktop app, but it isn't immediately obvious. Here's the easiest way to do it. (Note: There's no built-in tool to compare documents in...
Microsoft Word does provide a way to make a side-by-side comparison of two documents. If you have two versions of the same file—one earlier, one with additions, edits, and revisions—and you want to be able to track the changes made, you can use the Compare Documents feature. Compare...