DocumentEvents2_XMLBeforeDeleteEventHandler Documents DownBars DropCap DropDown DropLines Editor Editors Email EmailAuthor EmailOptions EmailSignature EmailSignatureEntries EmailSignatureEntry Endnote EndnoteOptions Endnotes Envelope ErrorBars Field Fields FileConverter FileConverters FillFormat Find FirstLetterExcept...
Document Methods Document Properties Document Properties _CodeName Property ActiveTheme Property ActiveThemeDisplayName Property ActiveWindow Property ActiveWritingStyle Property Application Property AttachedTemplate Property AutoFormatOverride Property AutoHyphenation Property Background Property Bibliography...
表达式是必需的。 一个代表Document对象的变量。 备注 若要返回单个DocumentProperty对象表示特定的内置文档属性,请使用BuiltinDocumentProperties属性。 如果 Microsoft Word 没有定义某个内置文档属性的值,则读取该文档属性的Value属性将产生错误。 有关返回集合的单个成员的信息,请参阅从集合中返回对象。
ApplicationEvents3_DocumentBeforePrintEventHandler ApplicationEvents3_DocumentBeforeSaveEventHandler ApplicationEvents3_DocumentChangeEventHandler ApplicationEvents3_DocumentOpenEventHandler ApplicationEvents3_EPostageInsertEventHandler ApplicationEvents3_EPostagePropertyDialogEventHandler ApplicationEvents3_Event ApplicationEve...
This property returns True if spelling has been checked throughout the specified range or document, and False if all or some of the range or document hasn't been checked for spelling. Set the property value to True or False to enable or disable the functionality. To recheck the spelling in...
Returns the metadata stored in a document, such as author name, subject, and company. Read-only. Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the specified object was created. CurrentRsid Returns a random number that Word assigns to changes in a document. Read-...
Add standard text that you want to appear in each document. For example, you might want to add "boiler-plate" contract text that is required for a sales proposal. On theInserttab, in theTextgroup, clickQuick Parts, point toDocument Property, and then click and drag each...
Add standard text that you want to appear in each document. For example, you might want to add "boiler-plate" contract text that is required for a sales proposal. On theInserttab, in theTextgroup, clickQuick Parts, point toDocument Property, and then click and drag each ...
Gets or sets the height of pages in the document when it is displayed in reading layout view and is frozen for entering handwritten markup. C# 复制 public int ReadingLayoutSizeY { get; set; } Property Value Int32 The height of pages in the document when it is displayed in reading ...
When rendered, the report grows as wide as required, up to 22 inches, to display the contents. The minimum width of the report is based on the RDL Width property in the Properties pane. Document properties The Word renderer writes the following metadata to the DOCX file. ...