Step 3: In the "Borders and Shading" window, select the color you like from the "Color" box. The preview box will automatically display the borders with the new color; Step 4: Click "OK" to finish. If you only want to change the border color on the first page, please refer tohow ...
返回或设置指定Border对象的 24 位颜色。 C# publicMicrosoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdColor Color {get;set; } 属性值 WdColor 注解 可以是 Visual Basic 的 RGB 函数返回的任何有效WdColor常量或值。 适用于 产品版本 Word primary interop assemblyLatest ...
Change the outline color Select the WordArt text to change. Go toShape FormatorDrawing Tools Format, selectText Outline, and pick the outline color. To change the width or style of the outline, selectWeightorDashesand update. Tip:You can alsochange the border color of the boxcontaining ...
读/写 WdColorIndex。语法expression. DefaultBorderColorIndex表达式是必需的。 一个代表 Options 对象的变量。示例本示例更改边框的默认颜色和样式,并为活动文档的第一段设置一个边框。VB 复制 ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Borders.Enable = True With Options .DefaultBorderColorIndex = wdRed .Default...
需要expression。 代表 'Border' 物件的變數。 註解 此屬性可以是任何有效的WdColor常數,或是 Visual BasicRGB函數所傳回的值。 範例 本範例在第一張表格的每個儲存格周圍新增深紫藍色的點線外框。 VB IfActiveDocument.Tables.Count >=1ThenForEachaBorderInActiveDocument.Tables(1).Borders aBorder.Color = wdColo...
expression是必需的。 表示“Border”对象的变量。 备注 此属性可以是任何有效的WdColor常量或 Visual BasicRGB函数所返回的值。 示例 本示例在第一个表格中每个单元格周围添加靛蓝色的点划线边框。 VB IfActiveDocument.Tables.Count >=1ThenForEachaBorderInActiveDocument.Tables(1).Borders aBorder.Color = wdColor...
If you are looking to change the appearance of your table in Word, but wish to adjust something other than the border color or the background color, then check out the other options on the Design tab and the Layout tab under Table Tools. ...
This example changes the default line color and style for borders and then applies a border around the first paragraph in the active document. VB ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Borders.Enable =TrueWithOptions .DefaultBorderColorIndex = wdRed .DefaultBorderLineStyle = wdLineStyleDoubleEndWith ...
expression. FramesetBorderColor需要expression。 代表 'Frameset' 物件的變數。註解此屬性可以是任何的 WdColor 常數,或是 Visual Basic RGB 函數所傳回的值。 如需建立框架頁的詳細資訊,請參閱建立框架頁。範例本範例會將指定之框架頁中的框架線色彩設為黃褐色。
Step 5.You can change the border’s width, color, and style. Step 6.Optionally, add artistic effects to the border. Step 7.Click outside the formatting pane to apply the custom border to the picture. That's it! Your picture now has a custom border in Microsoft Word. ...