Error message “Word Can Not Open this Document Template (C:.\…\14\Built-In-Building Blocks.dotx)” appears when trying to add page numbers or doing other operations related to headers and footers. This is often caused by corrupted Building Blocks.dotx file....
问题描述:打开Word时报错误:Cannot find the Word document。如下图所示: 解决办法一: 打开word文件,文件——选项——加载项中,找到管理“com加载项”点击后面的转到,找到“PowerDesigner”相关的那个项,将前面的勾去掉,单击“确定”按钮。重启Word2010,即可。见下图: 解决办法二: 运行regedit...
问题描述:打开Word时报错误:Cannot find the Word document。如下图所示: 解决办法一: 打开word文件,文件——选项——加载项中,找到管理“com加载项”点击后面的转到,找到“PowerDesigner”相关的那个项,将前面的勾去掉,单击“确定”按钮。重启Word2010,即可。见下图: 解决办法二: 运行regedit...
最近word文档打开时总是弹出一个对话框:Cannot find the Word document,见下图: 网上查了一下,估计是因为PowerDesigner的Addin插件不支持office 2010(不过以前没有发生过,不知怎么就出现这种情况了)。 解决办法主要有两种: 1 打开word文件,文件——选项——加载项中,找到管理“com加载项”点...
word打开时报Cannot find the Word document,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
word文件受损无法打开-word打开报错-打不开word文档(Wordfile damaged,unabletoopen-word,openerror-cannotopenword document) Wordfiledamaged,unabletoopen\word,openerror*noopen worddocument WhenyoutrytoopenaWordfile,ifthesystemdoesnotrespond, thenthelikelyreasonisthatthefileiscorrupted.Atthis point,pleasetryth...
Before getting straight on how to fix Word cannot open the existing file normal.dotm error, it's essential to first understand what is this and why this error appears. 1. What Is Normal.dotm? Normal.dotm is a template file in Microsoft Word that serves as the default for new documents....
When you try to open a Word file, you receive an error: Word cannot open this file because it is larger than 512 Megabytes Cause This is the maximum file size Word can open. Note The maximum file size is limited to 32 MB for the total docum...
Another approach to immediately stop the MS Word error“the document template is not valid”is to disable certain add-ins, which might be behind this issue and avoid another issue to befixed Word file won’t open error. In addition, it helps to run the Word program faster and smoother. ...
publicMicrosoft.Office.Interop.Word.DocumentOpenAsDocument(); 返回 Document 注解 打开一个文档作为模板允许用户编辑该模板的内容。 如果属性或方法 (Styles属性(例如,) 对象中不可用Template),则可能需要执行此操作。 适用于 产品版本 Word primary interop assemblyLatest ...