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The app may be useful in preparation for many exams where a strong vocabulary helps, such as GCSE English, A-level English, SAT, GRE, IELTS, TOEFL, ESL, ACT, GMAT, MAT, CAT, SSC, IBPS PO, Bank Clerk, RRB, SBI, USPC, IAS, NDA, AFCAT and other college admissions tests, placement...
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In order to separate politics and economic policy, Tony Blair made the Bank of England independent. His government was successful in limiting government spending, keeping inflation under control and reducing unemployment.为了独立的政治和经济政策,布莱尔让英国央行独立。他的 政府是成功的限制政府开支,控制...
GCSEexamination.(T) 5.GraduatesfromstateschoolsinBritainhavealessfavorablechancetoenter famousuniversitiesthanthosefromindependentschools.(T) 6.TheTimesistheworld’soldestSundaynewspapers.(F) 7.TheBBCWorldServicebroadcastsonlyinEnglishthroughouttheworld.(F) 8.SomeBritishholidaysarecelebratedtomarkimportanteventsin...
He thought.“The suitcase! She thinks I’mthe_bank_thief!”Arthur looked around at the crowd of people.He became frightened,and without another thought,he started to run.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你...
1.British history before 55BC is basically undocumented.(T)th century.(T)The Anglo-Saxons came to Britain in the 52.3.The chief or king of the Anglo-Saxons tribes exercised power at their own will. (F) th century.(T)The Vikings began to attack the English coast in the 84.5.Henry...
26、nomic approach adopted by Tony Blair was different from that of the old Labor Party and the Conservetive Party.T6.Blair made the Bank of England independent in oder to separate politics from economic policy.F7.Britain is an important oil exporter since its oil industry has a long history...
6. BlairmadetheBankofEnglandindependentinordertoseparatepoliticsandeconomicpolicy.(T) 7. Britainistheworldsleadingexporterofpoultryanddairyproducts.(F) 8. Thefishingindustryprovidesmorethan50%ofBritainsdemandforfish.(T) 9. Britainisanimportantoilexportersinceitsoilindustryhasalonghistory.(F) ...