9.Decide to add page number to entire document, start from the current page and onwards, or only add page number to the specific page from Apply To option. Here, Entire Document is selected. 10.Now click on Ok to apply the changes. 11.You will notice that the page numbers are applied...
AddMeetingWorkspaceHeader(Boolean, String, String, String, String) Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from _Document) AddToFavorites() Creates a shortcut to the document or hyperlink and adds it to the Favorites folder. (Inherited from _Document) ApplyDocumentTheme(String) Applies a do...
and the Word desktop app. You also have the ability to apply page numbers to all pages except the first page of your document. While editing, page numbers show up as <#>. To learn more about using page numbers in Word for the web, seeAdd page numbers to a header or footer in Wo...
HeaderFooter对象是 集合的成员HeadersFooters。HeadersFooters集合包含指定的文档中所有页眉和页脚。 使用headers(index) 或Footers(index) ,其中index是wdHeaderFooterEvenPages、wdHeaderFooterFirstPage或wdHeaderFooterPrimary) 的常 (量之一WdHeaderFooterIndex,以返回单个HeaderFooter对象。
This tutorial shows how to insert headers and footers on specific pages in Microsoft Word. For example, you may want to have a different header and footer for each chapter in your document. The bonus section at the end shows how to remove the header and footer from the first page of the...
Here are a few good reasons to use Microsoft Word headers, footers, and page numbers: Find a page in the document. Imagine trying to find a specific passage in a 250-page document without page numbers! Microsoft Word page numbers update automatically as you add or delete pages. Plus, they...
Returns all headers or footers on even-numbered pages of a section. [API set: WordApi 1.1] firstPage= "FirstPage" Returns the header or footer on the first page of a section. [API set: WordApi 1.1] primary= "Primary" Returns the header or footer on all pages of a section, but exc...
header of a Word document, InfoPath will use the first formatting style it encounters in the resulting form template and discard the remaining formatting. Similarly, any settings that are applied to the first header or footer section in the Word document are applied to the result...
True 指定的 PageSetup 对象是否的奇数和偶数页不同的页眉和页脚。 读/写 Long。语法表达式。OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter表达 返回PageSetup 对象的表达式。备注OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter 属性可以是 真、 假 或wdUndefined。示例本示例为 Document1 的奇偶页创建不同的页眉和页脚。
In Microsoft Word, the top margin of a page is called its header, and the bottom margin is called the footer. Headers and footers are especially useful for including information that you want to display on every page, or specific pages. This information could be the page number, the chapter...