1. Afterwords的定义与用法 Afterwords 是由“after”和“words”两个单词组合而成的复合词,其字面意思为“之后的话”或“后记”。在文学、出版或演讲领域,它通常指的是作品或演讲结束后,作者或演讲者为了总结、评论或提供额外信息而添加的文字。这些文字可能包含对作品核心内容...
图书 > 进口原版 > Children's Books(儿童图书) > 华研 > 英文原版 英文版 Word After Word After Word 逐词逐字 纽伯瑞奖作家 励志短篇小说 精装 进口原版书籍 广州瑞雅图书专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.9 高 物流履约: 4.5 中 售后服务: ...
magical words and a whole new way of seeing and understanding.From beloved author Patricia MacLachlan comes an honest, inspiring story about what is real and what is unreal, and about the ways that writing can change our lives and connect us to our own stories—word after word after word. ...
Books (Book reviewsMacLachlan, Patricia WORD AFTER WORD AFTER WORD. ISBN 978-0-06027971-4. New York: Katherine Tegen Books, 2010. 128pp. $14.99. Everyone has a story. "When you find it, you will write it. Word after word after word" (p. 21). So says Ms. Mirabel, the famous ...
《Word After Word After Word》(MacLachlan, Patricia)内容简介:Every school day feels the same for fourth graders Lucy and Henry and Evie and Russell and May. Then...
afterword 搜索 afterword英[ˈɑ:ftəwɜ:d]您的浏览器不支持 audio 标签。美[ˈæftərwɜrd]您的浏览器不支持 audio 标签。 n. 编后记 复数:afterwords 记忆法添加记忆法 英文解释
Word After Word Books 小典藏ARTCO Kids.小典藏專題.愛閱讀 【專題|一起讀、一起玩!美國童書空間漫遊】24. 融入湖光山色的閱讀空間:太浩湖邊的圖書館和書店 夏季,太浩湖不再是白色世界,被白雪覆蓋的翠綠草原、波光粼粼的湖濱步道、衫樹林裡的登山小徑和露營地、冰淇淋店林立的小鎮⋯⋯......
Close this alert Image Image Local Authors & Regional Interest Browse All Above and Beyond: My Life Giving the World a Lift Tahoe Ski Atlas The Man Behind the Maps: Legendary Ski Artist James Niehues Ski Patrol Pups July & Winter ABC Truckee ...
word by word按词序排列 word after word 一个字一个字 好像没有什么区别,有可能是在语法应用上有区别