crosswisecrossword dictionaryBrowse # aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll mm nn oo pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww xx yy zz About Careers Contact us Cookies, terms, & privacy Do not sell my info Follow us Get the Word of the Day every day! Sign up By clicking "Sign Up", you ...
The meaning of CROSSWORD is a puzzle in which words are filled into a pattern of numbered squares in answer to correspondingly numbered clues and in such a way that the words read across and down.
(redirected fromcrossword) Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Medical,Financial,Acronyms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. CROSS. contracts. A mark made by persons who are unable to write, instead of their names. 2. When properly attested, and proved to have been made by the party whose name is written ...
Games & Quizzes See All Quordle Can you solve 4 words at once? Play Blossom Word Game Pick the best words! Play Missing Letter A daily crossword with a twist Play Hollywood Lingo Quiz Are you a showbiz whiz? Take the quiz Merriam...
Here is the work that made all other puzzle dictionaries obsolete. Its unique Instant Finder System saves you time-consuming searches through the long, jumbled paragraphs of words that are so common in other crossword puzzle dictionaries. Suppose your clue is a six-letter word for RAGE: just ...
Word dictionary search for crosswords, anagrams, word games, scrabbles and different word forms. Word form search like, words starting with, ending with, containing, parent word, sub word or any defined word pattern or form using wildcards.
the military in the UK had gotten wind of the usefulness of crossword puzzles, and The Daily Telegraph realized how popular they were after individuals started writing to tell them how long it took them to complete the puzzles. The record at that time was 12 minutes. In response, The Daily...
THE RANDOM HOUSE CROSSWORD PUZZLE DICTIONARY MORE THAN 700,000 CLUES AND ANSWER WORDS! THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE POCKET CROSSWORD DICTIONARY ON THE MARKET! COMPREHENSIVE More clue words, special categories, and subcategories than any comparable dictionary In-depth coverage of people, places, and things ...
Free Online Crossword Dictionary that lets you search by either clue or pattern and will solve all your crossword puzzle clues.
No longer a test of classical knowledge, the modern crossword is a challenging labyrinth of clever clues, timely puns, and computer-age acronyms that baffle even puzzle afficionados. Completely revised and expanded, The Dell Crossword Dictionary ends the search for precisely the right word by ...