As soon as the Caption dialogue box appears, selectNew Labeland then type the suitable caption or description in theNew Labelpop up box. SelectOKwhen you are done. The caption you typed will be submitted to theCaption Boxand theLabel Box. The sequence of numbers submitted will be generated ...
Captions for Figures, Pictures, Tables or other document objects are really useful to give label and numbering to figures in the document. Captions mostly used to create table of figures, picture, etc just likecreating table of contentsin a word document. Basically caption is just a label with...
You can add a caption to any picture, table, or equation in your document. You can also have Word automatically insert captions for some items. In addition, you can change the numbering format or change the label title. Tip:If you're using Word for Mac 2011 these steps work best if yo...
若要将 对象添加到Shape指定文档的形状集合并返回Shape表示新创建的形状的对象,请使用集合的下列方法Shapes之一:AddCallout(MsoCalloutType, Single, Single, Single, Single, Object)、、AddCurve(Object, Object)、AddLabel(MsoTextOrientation, Single, Single, Single, Single, Object)AddLine(Single, Single, Sin...
使用Shapes 集合的下列其中一種方法: Add3DModel、 AddCallout、 AddCurve、 AddLabel、 AddLine、 AddOleControl、 AddOleObject、 AddPolyline、 AddShape、 AddTextbox、 AddTextEffect或BuildFreeForm ,將圖案新增至檔會傳回代表新建立之圖案的 Shape 物件。 下列範例將矩形新增至使用中文件。
IndentLabel labelControl IndexAndTables button IndexInsert button IndexMarkEntry button IndexUpdate button InsertBuildingBlocksEquationsGallery 画廊 InsertCaptionNumbering button InsertEmSpace button InsertEnSpace button InsertNewComment button InsertNumberAlternate button Insights button 斜体 toggleButton KeyboardCust...
.Filters.Add "Images", "*.gif; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.bmp; *.png", 1 If .Show = -1 Then For Each picPath In .SelectedItems Set pic = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.AddPicture(FileName:=picPath, _ LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True) ...
要将Shape 对象添加到指定文档的形状集合,并返回一个代表新建形状的 Shape 对象,可使用 Shapes 集合的下列方法之一:AddCallout、AddCurve、AddLabel、AddLine、AddOleControl、AddOleObject、AddPolyline、AddShape、AddTextbox、AddTextEffect 或BuildFreeForm。 以下示例向活动文档添加一个矩形。
run = tb.cell(word_insert_row, word_insert_column).paragraphs[1].add_run() # 产生文件夹内图片数量范围内的两个随机数 var=1 # rand_num1={'rand_num1':0} # rand_num2={'rand_num1':0} rand_num1=0 rand_num2=0 while var==1: ...
Sub 宏1() CaptionLabels.Add Name:="Photo" For Each ils In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes ils.Select Selection.InsertCaption Label:="Photo", TitleAutoText:="InsertCaption1", _ Title:="", Position:=wdCaptionPositionAbove, ExcludeLabel:=0 Next ilsEnd Sub这个只能对“...