base64File string 必填。 .docx 文件的 Base64 编码内容。 insertLocation Word.InsertLocation | "Replace" | "Start" | "End" | "Before" | "After" 必填。 该值必须为“Replace”、“Start”、“End”、“Before”或“After”。 返回 Word.Range 注解 [ API 集:WordApi 1.1 ] 注意:如果要插入...
"Footer" | "Caption" | "FootnoteReference" | "EndnoteReference" | "EndnoteText" | "Title" | "Subtitle" | "Hyperlink" | "Strong" | "Emphasis" | "NoSpacing" | "ListParagraph" | "Quote" | "IntenseQuote" | "SubtleEmphasis" | "IntenseEmphasis" | "SubtleReference" | "IntenseReference"...
Returns a FileSearch object that can be used to search for files using either an absolute or relative path. (Inherited from _Application) FileValidation Gets or sets how Word will validate files before opening them. (Inherited from _Application) FindKey[Int32, Object] Returns a KeyBinding...
For example, you can place the file name and path of your document in the header or footer by inserting the FILENAME field. The syntax for the FILENAME field code with the path that is included looks like this:{ FILENAME \p }
filepath=org/apdplat/word/1.3/word-1.3.jar 2、创建目录solr-5.2.0/example/solr/lib,将word-1.3.jar复制到lib目录 3、配置schema指定分词器 将solr-5.2.0/example/solr/collection1/conf/schema.xml文件中所有的 <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>和 <tokenizer class="solr.Standard...
WordprocessingDocument wordprocessingDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Create(fileName, WordprocessingDocumentType.Document); // Create a MainDocumentPart instance. MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart = wordprocessingDocument.AddMainDocumentPart(); mainDocumentPart.Document = new Document(); // Create a Doc...
wordcloud Migrate to pyproject.toml (#745) Dec 7, 2023 .gitattributes setup: Simplify release process using "versioneer" Jul 26, 2018 .gitignore Migrate to pyproject.toml (#745) Dec 7, 2023 CITATION.cff add citation file May 6, 2023 Handle collocation correctly Apr 9, 2020 ...
Sub图片水印()'' 添加水印 宏''ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Range.SelectActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView=wdSeekCurrentPageHeaderSelection.HeaderFooter.Shapes.AddPicture(fileName:=_"E:\图片\PS素材\jiqimao.jpg",LinkToFile:=False,SaveWithDocument:=True)._SelectSelection.ShapeRange.Name="WordPictureWaterma...
package com.ruben.utils.coreUtils;import;import com.ruben.utils.FileUtils;import com.ruben.utils.StringKit;import com.ruben.utils.StringUtils;import com.ruben.utils.collection.MapUtil;import com.spire.doc.*;import com.spire.doc.collections.*;import com.spire.doc.docume...
(filename,true)) {if(doc.MainDocumentPartisnull) {thrownewArgumentNullException("MainDocumentPart is null."); }// Get a reference to the main document part.vardocPart = doc.MainDocumentPart;// Count the header and footer parts...