若要为文档添加一些额外的视觉趣味,请使用“页面颜色”按钮添加背景色。 也可以添加水印。 添加或更改背景色 转到“设计>页面颜色”。 在“主题颜色”或“Standard颜色”下选择所需的颜色。 如果没有看到所需的颜色,请选择“更多颜色”,然后从“颜色”框中选择一种颜色。
Choose the color you want under Theme Colors or Standard Colors. If you don't see the color you want, select More Colors, and then choose a color from the Colors box. To add a gradient, texture, pattern, or picture, select Fill Effects, and then g...
By adding color to your table, you can highlight significant details and improve the overall look of your Word document. Read on to learn how to add background color to tables in Microsoft Word. 1. Using Shading The Shading feature allows you to add color to various elements in your docum...
Click on the "Table Design" tab, Click on the dropdown arrow under "Shading" then Select "More Colors" at the bottom of the dropdown menu. 2. Once the new window appears after selecting "More Colors", click on the "Custom" tab. 3. Once you are in the "Custom" tab, you can sel...
Method 8: Set Picture as Background If you are looking for another way to know how to change background color in Word, you can do it by using the picture in the background feature in fill effects. You can add any picture to your document. The only thing you need to care about is ...
flyer, brochure, calendar, or sign-up sheet, you may want something besides a plain, white background. In Microsoft Word, you can use a solid color, gradient, texture, pattern, or picture as your document background. This tutorial shows you the various ways to add a background in Word....
用Document.getBackground().setColor() 方法设置背景颜色。 用Document.saveToFile() 方法保存文档。 代码如下: importcom.spire.doc.*;importcom.spire.doc.documents.BackgroundType;importjava.awt.*;importjava.io.*;publicclassaddBackgroundColor{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args)throws IOException{//创建 Doc...
When working with a word document, you may need to highlight one or more paragraphs to make them stand out. Please follow the steps below to add the color background to a paragraph. Step 1: Select the paragraph(s); Step 2: Click the "Home" tab from the ribbon; ...
通过Document.Background.Color属性设置背景颜色。 用Document.SaveToFile()方法保存文档。 【C#】 usingSystem; usingSystem.Collections.Generic; usingSystem.ComponentModel; usingSpire.Doc; usingSystem.Drawing; namespaceAddBackground { classProgram { staticvoidMain(string[]args) ...
To create a new table and color it before entering data into it: On theribbon, go to theInserttab and select theTable To format an existing table with a background color: Add Color With Page Borders Design Tab To use the Design tab to add any color to a table: ...