Oreo Cookie Top Ice Cream Cones 400mL奥利奥冰淇淋 半价!现价$5.75!外层是奥利奥饼干和巧克力混合,香草口味,里面还有饼干碎。非常好吃。一盒4个。 购物链接见“阅读原文” 别只看,还要关注哦 快速关注雪地靴 红酒 保健点开-长按添加客服微信:ugg...
If you are going to shop some ice cream and similar products, check out Reese’s or Hershey’s tubs, sticks, cones priced at half this week. Woolies has some summer entertaining foods, too. Beef rump steak, chicken variety, soda packs are available for a lower price on pg 4-5. As ...
The older didn’t say anything, but when we got to the window, the older boy ordered two cones, and waved the younger boy’s money away, ___ him to his ice cream. And then I heard the younger boy say “Thank you very much!” to the older boy happily. The older boy smiled...