So is it that head office is not sending toilet paper to us, in the country or is that you have lazy staff refusing to stock shelves as they might get their hands dirty? Which is it? I have visited your Kingaroy every day for the last week, at different times evening opening, and ...
WOOLWORTHS CLAIM ED THAT ALL MY PREVIOS EMPLOYERS CONTACT THEM / THEIR WITTNISSES WITH LEGAL MEDICAL CERITICATE TAGG IN PLACE THE INCEDENT WAS REPORTED 15 June 2017 to woolworths head office, cape town, wfs head of your investigation /sa police, customer bad serviSe complaint, ceo, iAN MOIR...
An overview of the company is given, along with key facts including head quarter office, contact information, website address, revenue and turnover, and the number of employees. A SWOT analysis is provided which includes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities for improvement and threats....