如何在《模拟人生4》中拥有WooHoo 只要所有幽灵模拟市民之间有浪漫的兴趣,他们之间就可以进行占有式求欢。在《模拟人生4》中,两个幽灵模拟市民必须足够浪漫地彼此交往才能进行占有式求欢,然后游戏中几乎任何物体上都会出现“占有式求欢”选项。判断Ghost Sims是否能控制一个物体并在其中进行WooHoo的最佳方式是点击该物体...
If you want your Sims to have a baby, selectMore Choices > Romance > Physical Intimacy > Try for a Baby. For more help check out ourSims 4 pregnancy guide. WooHoo partners If two Sims are friends, they can become WooHoo partners, which lets them WooHoo without having any romantic relatio...
How to WooHoo in The Sims 4 Before you can build a romantic relationship with another Sim, they need to be compatible in sexual orientation and Romantic Interests. If your Sim is interested in another Sim, they can ask them about their WooHoo or Romantic Interests. Make sure you have a hi...
WooHoo Wellness mod is for the game, Sims 4 by LUMPINOU and comes in the name WoHoo Wellness and Pregnancy Overhaul. This mod affects both partners in several ways; Pregnancy preferences and varied reactions, WooHoo Risk, protection, fertility surgeries, WooHoo Transmissible Diseases, Paternity ...
3:ww888888(解压密码和安装密码) 使用说明: 1、下载并解压 2、下载解压后把里面的四个文件复制到:(X代表你的游戏存档盘,默认是C盘)X:Users你的用户名DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4Mods文件夹里面。 送TA礼物 1楼2022-04-16 00:23回复 登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下...
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打开App查看高清大图 HIM漢崇_theEnigma 7月9日 9:34 关注 模拟人生4 这个WOOHOO地点你知道么 #模拟人生4 #sims4 #模拟人生4日常 #把生活拍出电影感 #模拟人生 成为第一个点赞的人 2024CPU最新排行榜你的处理器在第几名? dpuser_8587905780 115
1.99.305.1020 / Mac: 1.99.305.1220. It will also work with anything after that Sims 4 up...
Re: woohoo turns into a chat in sims 4 @JessiepschwarzCould it be a routing issue? Maybe something blocking the bed or just no place to woohoo on the lot? Try clicking on the object you want to woohoo in (bed, shower etc) and selecting the option from there rather than on the ...
How to WooHoo in The Sims 4 Before you can build a romantic relationship with another Sim, they need to be compatible in sexual orientation and Romantic Interests. If your Sim is interested in another Sim, they can ask them about their WooHoo or Romantic Interests. Make sure you have a hi...