爱给网提供海量的英国街景照片库 (cc协议)资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为jpg 格式的布伦海姆宫正门, 伍德斯托克(Main entrance to Blenheim Palace, Woodstock), 本站编号50047422, 该英国街景照片库 (cc协议)素材大小为61k, 分辨率为640 x 480, 许可范围为可商用,署名,协议名称为CC署名-相同方式共享2.0, 作者为...
本地名称Blenheim Palace 位置Woodstock, Oxfordshire, 英国 / 英國 布莱尼姆宫 ,英国英格兰牛津郡伍德斯托克的世界文化遗产,是马尔博罗公爵的乡间邸宅,也是英国唯一一座非由王室或教会持有,但却拥有“宫”的称呼的乡村官邸。布莱尼姆宫是英国最大的建筑之一,建造时间为1705年至1722年之间。是安妮女王为奖励第一代马尔...
爱给网提供海量的英国街景照片库 (cc协议)资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为jpg 格式的喷泉, 布伦海姆宫, 伍德斯托克(Fountain, Blenheim Palace, Woodstock), 本站编号50432799, 该英国街景照片库 (cc协议)素材大小为169k, 分辨率为800 x 600, 许可范围为可商用,署名,协议名称为CC署名-相同方式共享2.0, 作者为Brian...
Blenheim Palace 760公尺 Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum 2.1公里 North Leigh Roman Villa 2.1公里 Combe火車站 3.1公里 實用資訊 CP值7.8 位置得分9.7 伍德斯托克阿姆斯旅館的可預訂房型 Double room-Deluxe-Ensuite with Shower 禁菸房 淋浴設備 1張雙人床 ...
Just a short stroll from the UNESCO World Heritage site of Blenheim Palace - home of the 11th Duke of Marlborough and the birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill. In the heart of one of England's most beautiful towns and surrounded by breath taking countryside, Woodstock offers many independent, ...
Birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill and home to the Duke of Marlborough, Blenheim Palace, one of the finest baroque houses in England, is set in over…
Blenheim Palace over the past three centuries.Blenheim Palace: The Untold Story brings to life tales of the dramatic history, events and the people who have lived there, through the eyes of the household staff.Follow Grace Ridley, a virtual lady's maid as she introduces some of the colourful...
The Duke of Marlborough is ideally situated on the edge of historic Woodstock at the gateway to the Cotswolds and with the birthplace of Winston Churchill, Blenheim Palace, almost next door. This quaint, stone building was acquired by the current owners 14 years ago and since has evolved into...
Apart-hotel cerca de Blenheim Palace, en Woodstock Yew Tree House proporciona a sus huéspedes jardín. Las áreas comunes cuentan con acceso a wifi gratis. El estacionamiento es gratuito. Toma en cuenta que no se permite fumar en este apart-hotel en Woodstock. 4 habitaciones Servicio ...
Woodstock is an attractive small town 8 mi north of Oxford, England. It is the nearest town to the popular stately home Blenheim Palace, Winston Churchill's birthplace, and is therefore popular with travellers looking for food and accommodation....