green woodpecker- woodpecker of Europe and western Asia Picus viridis peckerwood,woodpecker,pecker- bird with strong claws and a stiff tail adapted for climbing and a hard chisel-like bill for boring into wood for insects genus Picus,Picus- type genus of Picidae ...
downy woodpecker - small North American woodpecker with black and white plumage and a small bill flicker - North American woodpecker Campephilus principalis, ivorybill, ivory-billed woodpecker - large black-and-white woodpecker of southern United States and Cuba having an ivory bill; nearly extinct ...
The meaning of BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER is a three-toed woodpecker (Picoides arcticus) native to forests of the northern U.S. and Canada that is black above and white below with dark barring on the flanks, a white facial stripe, and in the male a yellow c
The meaning of WHITE-HEADED WOODPECKER is a woodpecker (Dendrocopos albolarvatus) of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade ranges that is predominantly black with a white wing patch, white head and neck, and a red patch just above the nape.
The meaning of IMPERIAL WOODPECKER is a woodpecker (Campephilus imperialis) of northern Mexico that has black plumage with white markings on the wings and neck, a red crest in the male, and a white bill and that is the largest woodpecker known, the male
a small, North American woodpecker,Picoides pubescens,having black and white plumage. Word History and Origins Origin ofdowny woodpecker1 An Americanism dating back to1800–10 Discover More Example Sentences In warm weather, it’s alive with nuthatches, chickadees, sometimes a downy woodpecker. ...
: any of several European and Asiatic woodpeckers having the plumage of variegated black and white: such as a : great spotted woodpecker b : a bird (Dendrocopos minor) resembling but smaller than the great spotted woodpecker called also lesser spotted woodpecker ...
Define hairy woodpecker. hairy woodpecker synonyms, hairy woodpecker pronunciation, hairy woodpecker translation, English dictionary definition of hairy woodpecker. n. A black-and-white woodpecker of North and Central America, having a solid white stripe
The meaning of PILEATED WOODPECKER is a large red-crested North American woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) that is black with white on the face, neck, and undersides of the wings.
The meaning of GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER is a common European and Asiatic woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) having a black back, white shoulder patches, crimson under tail coverts, and in the male a crimson patch on the nape.