Woodlands Metro station Photo: ZKang123, CC BY-SA 4.0. Woodlands MRT station is a Mass Rapid Transit interchange station on the North–South and Thomson–East Coast lines in Singapore.Locales in the AreaMarsiling Quarter Marsiling is a suburb of Woodlands, Singapore, extends from the north...
(BUS 4分钟到兀兰MRT)Woodlands Circle 752 兀兰大牌752 普通房 主人房出租-,新加坡狮城论坛 ,新加坡狮城论坛
woodlands近MRT公寓casablanca 2+1公寓 2卧室+2洗手间+1客厅 1.小区内有游泳池,网球场,健身房,阅览室。自动贩卖机。买早饭小零食面包饮料都非常的方便. 2.小区距woodlandsMRT也很近走路10分钟,吃饭可去小区对面的巴萨。 3.租金整套$2100 租期一年 4.无屋主无中介费 可煮 5.附近有4间fair price超市,图书馆 ...
Larkin Sentral ↔ Kranji MRT Stn CW2 Larkin Sentral ↔ Queen St Ter CW5 Johor Bahru Checkpoint ↔ Newton Circus Admiralty Rd - Marsiling Cc (46119) 步行8分钟 178A Woodlands Int → Woodlands Rd (Kranji Stn) Marsiling Dr - Blk 203 (46149) 步行14分钟 665 [AM]: Shenton Way (Opp MA...
CW1, Larkin Sentral ↔ Kranji MRT Stn, CW2, Larkin Sentral ↔ Queen St Ter, CW5, Johor Bahru Checkpoint ↔ Newton Circus, SJE, Queen St Bus Ter ↔ Larkin Bus Ter, TS1, JB ↔ Changi Airport, TS3, Marina Square/Pan Pacific Hotel ↔ JB CIQ, ...
The nearest MRT station to Woodlands Train Checkpoint is at Marsiling MRT Station. From here you can continue the short trip (about 1.7 km) to Woodlands by bus or you could walk if you have the time and energy. Another option is to take an MRT to Woodlands MRT Station, then a bus fr...
海军部BLK605 woodlands drive42 单人间,靠近MRT. 海军部地铁站,空房出租! 高楼华籍屋主,可报地址, 房间宽敞明亮干净 有wifi、冷气、热水器、洗衣机,不可煮 限一位女生。 欢迎爱干净、作息正规、无不良嗜好、无吸烟者 随时入住。
Taxi fare calculator in Singapore Estimate taxi fares from/to the airport, hotels, bars, monuments or anywhere in Singapore. Looking for another city?How much does a taxi cost from Woodlands Mrt to Changi Point Ferry Terminal in Singapore ...
To: Woodlands Checkpoint This estimate was last updated on 12 December 2022, about 2 years ago. This taxi cost estimation from Bugis to Woodlands Checkpoint might be a bit outdated. You can recalculate it now, but we need to make sure you are not a robot first :) ...
woodlands近MRT公寓casablanca 2+1公寓 2卧室+2洗手间+1客厅 1.小区内有游泳池,网球场,健身房,阅览室。自动贩卖机。买早饭小零食面包饮料都非常的方便. 2.小区距woodlandsMRT也很近走路10分钟,吃饭可去小区对面的巴萨。 3.租金整套$2100 4.无屋主无中介费 可煮...