For example: if we want to build a pallet bench with a flat top, we need to carefully select boards of same thickness. If you use a planer to plane the pallet wood boards, make sure to use a metal detector first! Some hidden old nails can ruin the blade of your planer. How to fi...
Screwdriver or Drill Bits: To secure screws or bolts. Remember to always prioritize safety when working on DIY projects. Wear protective eyewear, gloves, and masks as needed. Keep your workspace clean and organized to avoid accidents. With the right materials and tools at hand, you’ll be rea...
I went to Lowe's and Home Depot to check out the prefabricated manufactured sheds. I went to a local Amish Community to look at their sheds. The shed that I wanted to buy would have cost several thousand dollars. I can't afford that, but I desperately needed the space. So then I ...
Plywood slats and spacers:(14) 3″ wide x 5′ long. We used PureBond 1/2″ thick plywood whichis a great quality,formaldehyde-freeplywood. The sheet is 4’x8′. Home Depot cut it to 4’x5′ first, then to 3″x5′ slatsfor us. We cut one of them into smaller spacers later. ...
1×2, with slates made from an old crate. I’ve also used yardsticks for these. (You can find them at Home Depot). They range in size from 18” to 12”. The base is a piece of pine 8×8 routed for a nice edge. I wanted to paint it, but my wife thought it looked good nat...
I used the app to find two-by-fours for wall mounting of a new TV. I was able to find drywall screws behind the paint using my phone saving a trip to Home Depot. Hint: I found it is the most sensitive if you continuously but slowly move your phone across the surface and not just...
Metal ductwork is never quite “fun” and involves self-tapping sheet metal screws, tin snips, aluminum duct tape, and many band-aids. But because the pipe is lighter, it’s much easier to hang. Unfortunately, thanks to my poor design and excessive use of 90 degree angles, the system di...
1– 3/4″x10′ black pipe – Home Depot (cut & threaded to size, for a complete cut list check outthis post) 1– 3/4″x6′ black pipe – Home Depot 4– 3/4″x6″ nipple – Home Depot 8– 3/4″ Floor Flange – Home Depot ...
When securing the new wood bottom to the cedar chest we use a combination of wood glue and wood screws. These screws are an eyesore and we need to hide them. Since we will not need access to them again we can cover them up withbondo wood filler. ...
So, I reached the rather surprising decision that it was best to use untreated wood, using thicker (2 inch) structural grade planks fixed together with galvanised decking screws. That way, although they will still rot, it will be a much slower process and I expect to get at least 5 ...