The intensity of the dark-blue stain normally increases with increasing severity of TW development owing to chlorazol black staining of the G-fibers. In addition, a decrease in vessel density also indicates increased severity of TW formation. Accordingly, we found that after a 7-day bending, ...
My only wish is that (had I know I was going to do this project from the start) we would have bought a piece of wood with a bit more interesting grain going on. Oh well. There’s always next time (or we can wax or stain or outline it to tweak it someday). For now we like ...
You can change the appearance of your piece of furniture by using different products like a wax or stain to change the look of the wood and of course you can change the appearance of the river too by using different colours, or embedding objects in the resin pours. The resin also looked ...
(Figure 2a). A Laser Nanometer Particle Size Analyzer determined that the particle diameter distribution was in the range of 30–50 nm, with an average size of ~40 nm (Figure 2b). AFM characterization further revealed that the nano-AgCu particles were approximately spherical, with an average ...
Examples of extended functionality include: wood based lasers (using a dye in the transparent wood to give laser activity) [70,71], heat-shielding transparent wood windows (incorporating nanoparticles, CsxWO3) [72], thermo-reversible optical properties—using phase change materials [73], ...
surface can remove the contaminants accumulated on the surface, mimicking the lotus leaf effect. For the modified wood surface, the water droplets readily rolled off, removing the methyl blue powder when the water dropped to the surface. The application of self-cleaning properties in transparent woo...
Figure 4b depicts the structure of the simplified SMS-CAM after removing the channel reduction. Figure 4. Structure of multi-scale channel attention module. (a) MS-CAM; (b) SMS-CAM. Assuming that the output of the SMS-CAM module through the global branch is G(Xin) and the output ...