Janka Hardness Scale for Wood Flooring Species The Janka hardness test is a measurement of the force necessary to embed a .444-inch steel ball to half its diameter in wood. It is the industry standard for gauging the ability of various species to tolerate denting and normal wear, as well ...
Pine is the most abundant type of wood in North America. Dozens of species are harvested here, their colors ranging from pale yellow to light reddish brown. Although some pines can exceed 900lbf on the Janka hardness scale, most are much softer, commonly below 500lbf. Despite its softness, ...
Notes:The related species of truelignum vitae(Guaiacumspp.)in the Zygophyllaceae family bear the closest resemblance to verawood—though these species can also be separated fromPlectrocarpafrom their lack of radial multiples and pore chains. For more information on sorting these related species out...
Related Species: Bocote(Cordia spp.) Freijo(Cordia alliodora) Louro Preto(Cordia megalantha) Scans/Pictures:A special thanks toSteve Earisfor providing the turned photo of this wood species. Ziricote (sanded) Ziricote (sealed) Ziricote (endgrain) ...
The relative hardness and softness of various woods isn’t just based on a feeling. Woods are ranked for durability using something called the Janka Hardness Scale. “The Janka Hardness Scale identifies at what point a 11.28-millimeter [0.444-inch] steel ball will embed itself halfway through ...
Moreover, information is lacking on the role of wood hardness in limiting nesting opportunities for this important guild. Here, we used an information theoretic approach to examine the role of wood hardness in multi-scale nest site selection and in limiting nesting opportunities for six species of...
Note that the termshardwoodandsoftwoodare often confused with the descriptors hard wood or soft wood. The terms softwood and hardwood are used to reference the taxonomical division that separates a species and have little to do with the actual hardness of the wood. ...
- Commercial wood species database ( density, specific gravity, hardness, shrinkage, ... ). This database contains the means density. The density of wood differs depending on tree species and tree growth environment. - Customize your units: ...
(average 12 to 15 percent). Local conditions ofairtemperature andrelative humiditydictatethe final moisture level. Species and dimensions of wood have no practical influence on the final moisture level, although refractory species and wood of larger dimensions require more time to reach it. It is ...