Blanket chest nets big Article Updates haul for Relay For Life I made a blanket chest from u Adjustable-arm Floor Lamp the plans in issue 175 (March In issue 225 (May 2014), the wiring 2007), using red oak instead diagram on page 38 and the video listed of pine. Upon completion, I...
diagram of basic log-sawing patternsBasic log-sawing patterns. Live and cant sawing may be done with a frame saw for simultaneous sawing. In cant sawing, two slabs on opposite sides of the log are first removed, producing a cant for the frame saw. Sawing for grade, done with a band saw...
Average bending ratios and standard deviations of 25 mm thick beech wood using different bending processes; coefficient of variations are shown above the diagram columns (The numerical data used to plot the diagram are taken from the following sources: [3,4,12,14,16,38,57,64,74,102,108,124...