Subarctic wood frogs had an acute increase in corticosterone after handling, but this increase did not significantly differ after ten minutes of confinement (up to 60 minutes). Neither energetic condition nor environmental variables strongly affected baseline corticosterone levels. Calling male wood frogs...
We did not specifically account for range variation, assuming that under most conditions we were recording all wood frogs in the breeding area because of the high source levels of anuran calls (90–110 dB re:20 Pa at µ1 m; Bee, 2012) and relatively quiet background noise conditions (...
Preventing cats from hunting lizards, toads, and frogs can control the spread of the infection, but it is usually difficult due to wild nature of definitive host. View chapter Chapter Mucosal Immunity in Invertebrates Mucosal Immunology (Fourth Edition) ...
Our work suggests that stickleback fish predation may not have a major impact on Wood Frog tadpole survival and growth in a subarctic wetland. Sticklebacks may still have an impact on earlier developmental stages of Wood Frogs. This work begins to fill an important gap in potential factors that...
Plasma corticosterone from wood frogs ( ) was quantified from subarctic and temperate populations in response to handling stress. Additionally, temperate populations of and were sampled. Subarctic wood frogs had an acute increase in corticosterone after handling, but this increase did not significantly ...
Plasma membrane vesicles prepared from liver of autumn-collected frogs showed 6-fold higher rates of carrier-mediated glucose transport than vesicles from summer-collected frogs, maximal velocity (Vmax) values for transport being 72 卤 14 and 12.0 + 2.9 nmolmg protein1s1, respectively (at 10 掳...
(Figure 1). Vertebrates also depend on the soil as a habitat, for example, moles, prairie dogs, meercats, wombats, small rodents, and some species of lizards, snakes, frogs, and even birds. Many aboveground invertebrates may be temporary inhabitants (such as nematode parasites of insects; ...
(Frogs [ . . . ] do not mind the bad taste: they fill their cold bellies with fireflies till the light shines through them [ . . . ])" [34] (p. 138). Two-dimensional artwork focused solely on the insects fell into two broad categories. Several pieces, including multiple works by...