Feel free to explain your pet stain removal method for your wood floor, and any stain removers or wood cleaners that work for you. In addition, please tell us what hasn't worked for you, so we can all avoid pitfalls in the stain removal process. ...
These problems are resinous knots in softwoods such as pine, silicone oil from furniture polishes that causes the finish to bunch up into ridges or hollow out into craters, and smoke and animal-urine odors. The finish that blocks these problems (“seals them in”) is shellac, and it ...
I never did. All those awful musty odors were permeated right into the wood. Now don’t let my story deter you. Depending on the wood and age of your furniture, removing musty smells (and this includes the old stench of mothballs) can be a challenge… but it can be done! I’ve ha...
Mold grows on wood floors when it has appropriate moisture, warmth, and food. It can not only stain wood floors, but also move below the surface to discolor, rot, or warp the wood. To keep the mold from spreading, first cut off the source...
If you have a cat, chances are you may have found a puddle of cat urine on your floor once or twice. Cat urine can stain wood floors and leave a pungent odor. Depending on your cat's age and the type of flooring, there are a number of...