Stanley E. Knauss, engineer and plant manager, took me through. “On a busy production floor, the skeleton bodies of the buses look more like .air-plane fuselages. A closer examination reveals they are built the same way. Light, tubular steel is shaped into the rigid frame. All, joints,...
……In one section of the basement is a peculiar patching of the wall and remnants of an old tile floor, from a rumored “speakeasy” that existed during the Prohibition years of the 1930′s. The Bar at Kelly’s So what’s changed from the early 1900’s and is Kelly’s still imbued...
"we could get real innovative. wood frame of 2x8's. line the inside of the garden box (raised bed) with wood looking floor tile (sold as 8x24 inch tile) set 2x8"s thin bed of gravel , for drainage . glue tile to the planks with tile adhesive water proof grout. I'm going out...