A: Before painting, the fences are sand-blasted and cleaned three times: 1. water cleaning, 2. parkerising, 3. water cleaning. The powder we use is Dupont or Aksu, which are international famous brands. This ensures that the plastic layer is beau...
You can’t dig post holes in concrete, obviously. Jason’s had some experience with attaching fences to concrete in the past so he knew stability can be tricky. We found these great E-Z Base post bases at HD that are made just for this purpose. They’re hard to find and a bit pric...
The construction category encompasses the use of wood in structures for territorial demarcation, building homes, shelters for animals, and storage of items (e.g., fences, posts, house lines, rafters, battens, doors, windows). Technology refers to the use of wood in manipulated items that are...
This past week I did a garden water infrastructure project, split a good poke of firewood, and worked on some fences. I dropped three more small dead-standing fir trees in our north woodlot. The largest of these was only 14 inches, at the butt. I cut them into 5-foot lengths — the...
Most of the products claim to work for years but this is for fences or woods which can dry out, not those exposed to damp soil. Other water-based preservatives: are based on boron salts which are widely considered to be safe to humans and are usually applied as a paint or gel. ...
In many outdoor scenes there was evidence of human objects, such as benches (e.g., T51, T63, T73, T88, T158) some of which were quite ornate (T12, Figure 4), low- rise seating platforms (T70, T79, T85, T192), fences (T70, T89), stone walkways (T139), footbridges (e.g....