Product content attributes These attributes determine which products are displayed in the [products] shortcode: attribute: Retrieves products using the specified attribute slug. terms: Comma-separated list of attribute terms to be used with attribute. terms_operator: Operator to compare attribute terms...
老实说,我不知道什么是最好的方法,但这就是我所处的位置 add_shortcode( 'show_products_categories_os', 'categories_of_the_product_os' ); function categories_of_the_product_os() { $term_id = get_term_by( 'slug', 'os', 'product_cat' ); $terms = get_the_terms( get_the_ID(), 'p...
woocommerce shortcode短代码调用 --- 产品分类这两个短代码将在任何页面上显示您的产品类别。 [product_category]– 将显示指定产品类别中的产品。 ASCDESCorderbyASC 产品类别方案示例仅显示顶级类别想象一下,您只想在页面上显示顶级类别并排除子类别,那么可以使用以下短代码。 [product_categories number="0" parent...
add_shortcode( 'cart_qty_badge', 'in_cart_product_quantity' ); } 它应该起作用。
Access a WooCommerce category from the WordPress admin and retrieve the category ID from the browser URL. You can place multiple category IDs within the same shortcode. Separate the IDs using commas. The following shortcode places 4 product categories into two columns: ...
Use the Full Width or Shop Sidebar page template with this shortcode. To find the category slug, go to Products > Categories and look at the slug column. [product_category category="accessories"] Product Categories Display a list of featured images representing your product categories on a speci...
Image 3(b) will be shortcode for Image 3 (a). So, now if you do not like grid layout and want to control other information. You can employ the shortcode of the WooCommerce Product Table. It comes with options for the shortcode category. You can utilize it to list your products in a...
Admin can select specific categories to show on the listing page and a shortcode will be generated for each category(s) Configure the load more button With the WooCommerce custom product list page plugin, you can customize the “Load More” button. Admin can configure button text, background ...
When building a shortcode, the output is never echoed but returned. Try the following instead: // The shortcode add_shortcode( 'show_attributes_a', 'attribute_group_a_shortcode' ); function attribute_group_a_shortcode() { global $product; $attribute1 = $product->get_attribute('attribute1'...
前面我们说了woocommerce如何隐藏SKU,那如果不想显示产品分类category和标签tag呢?我们知道SKU, Category list 和 Tag list在woocommerce产品页中统称为产品product meta,下图红框所示。1、如果想全部隐藏这些meta很简单,在当前主题function.php文件中加入下面的代码即可 ...