20 + [fee percent="10" min_fee="4"]– A base shipping cost of $20 plus 10% of the order total, which is at least $4.20美元的基本运费+订单总额的10%(最小金额是4美元,不足以4美元计入)。 基于配送类型(Shipping Classes)的固定费率设置 如果你设置了配送类型,那么在编辑固定费率时还会看到额外...
首先点击“shipping zone”,出现的“Locations not covered by your other zones”指的是是如果上述顾客不输入上面任何一种运输方式,那么就适用于这种运输方式。 点击“Add shipping zone”, zoon name:输入 US shipping zone regions:定位美国,united states shipping methods:点击添加运输方式,有三种方式可以让你选择,...
20 + [fee percent="10" min_fee="4"] – A base shipping cost of $20 plus 10% of the order total, which is at least $4.20美元的基本运费+订单总额的10%(最小金额是4美元,不足以4美元计入)。 基于配送类型(Shipping Classes)的固定费率设置 如果你设置了配送类型,那么在编辑固定费率时还会看到额...
我想创建一个插件来添加2个短码到我的woocommerce商店,这样我就可以将运费作为短码添加到文本中,如下例所示:所以在前端的文本是这样的:我们到阿姆斯特丹的运费是6,95欧元shipping_cost_1 =统一费率woocommerce运费包括发货1区的增值税(在阿姆斯特丹境内发货) shipping_cost_2 =统一费率w 浏览3提问于2021-11-09得票数...
要创建你的第一个WooCommerce发货区,你所需要做的就是导航到WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping,然后点击Add shipping zone。 在Shipping标签不可用的罕见情况下,你需要首先重新启用发货设置。 要做到这一点,请回到 “General” 标签,寻找 “General options” 部分。
点击Add shipping method。这将触发一个弹出式菜单,允许你选择一个你喜欢的发货方式。 WooCommerce默认有三种运输方式:免费运输、统一费率和本地取货。你可以在每个运输区添加你喜欢的运输方式。 在这种情况下,选择Flat rate,然后点击Add shipping method。
Add fee: Add an additional fee, such as gift wrapping. Add shipping: Add a shipping cost. When you’ve done this, select the pencil icon to update the name, the method, the cost, and the tax. Add tax: Add an additional tax code to every section in the order. ...
To set up your shipping fee on a per-order basis, you’ll choose a fee to apply to every order, such as $5 or $9.95. Then, enter that number in the “Cost” field: To add a shipping fee on a per-item basis, you’ll choose a fee to apply to every item in an order, such...
复制add_filter('woocommerce_shipping_instance_form_fields_flat_rate',function($fields){$fields['cost_addon']=['title'=>__('每增加 5 件商品加收的运费','woocommerce'),'type'=>'text','placeholder'=>'','default'=>'','desc_tip'=>true,];return$fields;}); ...
This will add an additional cost to the final shipping price, shown as one price to your customer. Select which rates to offer customers. Enter a fallback shipping cost (optional) and what rate class you want to charge. This will allow the customer to check out if USPS can not return...