I would have liked it more if there is more chemistry. Haha. It is sad that the real murderer of Dong Chan’s girlfriend actually indirectly forced his friends into being his accomplice and made their lives so miserable. Feel sorry for Dong Chan’s brother who did not do anything wrong...
rstandings and his current manager refuses to work with him so they bring in another new manager ( more like..ex manager thinks she can turn anyone into a star and would take on a rookie..and he thinks he is a star)..anyways..new manager comes in..and its his ex girlfriend.....
bygirlfriday Park Shi-yeon(Coffee House) andJi Hyun-woo(Birth of the Rich), lead guitarist of kpop band The Nuts, have been cast as leads in the upcoming filmHappy Together. The movie will take place in the world of the music industry, and in particular the idol factory. Right on. ...