And he only had three legs. He was a wonky donkey … In this very funny, cumulative song, each page tells us something new about the donkey until we end up with a spunky, hanky-panky cranky stinky dinky lanky honky-tonky winky wonky donkey, which will have children (and their grandmas)...
绘本故事《The Wonky Donkey》- 适合 5-7岁,3-4岁 绘本《The Wonky Donkey》, 绘本内容 我走在路上,我看见…… 一只毛驴! 天啊! 它只有三条腿! 它是一只摇摆不定的毛驴! ……” 故事朗朗上口,非常有趣,孩子们会在笑声中读完整个故事。 有趣的内容配上可爱的插图,非常讨喜。配套CD发音纯正,为孩子学习...
()1. Which book was the newest? A. The Ice Monster. B. The Wonky Donkey. C. Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls. D. The 104 -Story: Tree House.()2. When was The 104-Story: Tree House published? A. On April 1, 2017. B. On July 10. 2018. C. On November 8, 2018. D. ...