2046 is a place, a time, the name of a novel, the number of a hotel room, and, in the form of an anime megalopolis, the first digital representation in Wong’s cinema. 2046 is also, always,2046: a cine-Narcissus enraptured by its own depths, unnerved by what it sees, struggling t...
Unhappy Together: Wong Kar-wais 2046Ian JohnstonBright Lights Film Journal
Wong Kar-Wai. Director: Yi dai zong shi. Wong Kar-wai (born 17 July 1956) is a Hong Kong Second Wave filmmaker, internationally renowned as an auteur for his visually unique, highly stylised, emotionally resonant work, including Ah fei zing zyun (1990),
* * * It was a film some cynics suggested would never be finished. But after four years in the making the hotly-anticipated '2046' by acclaimed Hong Kong director Wong Kar-wai finally goes on general...
And also, when China promised Hong Kong 50 years unchanged, that's 2046.另外,中国政府承诺香港政策50年不变,这激发了我对《2046》的创作灵感。One of the most iconic film moments in history is the pineapple can in Chunking Express with the expiration date of May 1st and the cereal purchasing ...
s architecture captures the essence of a world that feels both advanced and timeless, much like the visually stunning environments Wong Kar-wai is known for. If you’re seeking a stay that embodies the visionary aesthetic of2046, this hotel is sure to transport you into that futuristic ...
by Kollin in 1990s, Wong Kar-wai Tags: 1990s, Happy Together, love and tolerance, Wong Kar-wai When Ho met Lai in the bar, he called Lai to his residence. Lai came drunkenly. Ho flirted and kissed Lai. It seemed that he wanted to restart with Lai. However, Lai was still very ...
WONGKARWAI 6 2046谁人谁鬼 朋友刚发短信说,看了2046。只觉得泛泛。故弄玄虚的一场真幻交织。 我回言,那么,宝贝,你很幸福。我看之后的那一夜,差点死掉。 任时间隔这一段,恐仍是不得言。不得言。惟有这三字,才可形容。从最早的旺角卡门,阿飞正传,东邪西毒,重庆森林,春光乍泄,一一经过,到花样年华,直至...
Wong Kar-Wai. Director: Yi dai zong shi. Wong Kar-wai (born 17 July 1956) is a Hong Kong Second Wave filmmaker, internationally renowned as an auteur for his visually unique, highly stylised, emotionally resonant work, including Ah fei zing zyun (1990),
别名:Karwai Wong 国籍:中国 职业:导演、监制、编剧 出生日期:1958年7月17日 出生地:上海 身高:190cm 体重:暂无 血型:AB型 星座:巨蟹座 人物介绍 王家卫(Karwai Wong ),1958年7月17日出生于上海,香港电影导演、监制及编剧,擅长文艺电影。 1963年随父移居香港。1980年毕业于香港理工大学平面设计专业后,经过短...