Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating ScaleInitiative, The NationalControl, PainWong-Baker FACES Foundation. (2015). Wong-Baker FACES(R) Pain Rating Scale. Retrieved August 20, 2015 from http://www.WongBakerFACES.org
1)Wong-Baker faces pain rating scaleWong-Baker面部表情量表法 2)Wong-Baker scaleWong-Baker量表 3)faces scale面部表情量表 1.The single-itemfaces scaleof job satisfaction scale is obviously different from the previous questionnaire,because the candidates will be asked in a new and accurate scale to...
Objectives: The Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale (WBS), used in children to rate pain severity, has been validated outside the emergency department (ED), mostly for chronic pain. The authors validated the WBS in children presenting to the ED with pain by identifying a corresponding mean ...
Validation of the Wong‐Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale in Pediatric Emergency Department Patients[J] . GregoryGarra,Adam J.Singer,Breena R.Taira,JasminChohan,HiranCardoz,ErnestChisena,Henry C.Thode.Academic Emergency Medicine . 2010 (1)•• Garra G, Singer AJ, Taira BR, et al. Validation ...
2) Wong-Baker scale Wong-Baker量表3) faces scale 面部表情量表 1. The single-item faces scale of job satisfaction scale is obviously different from the previous questionnaire,because the candidates will be asked in a new and accurate scale to express their beliefs,perception,attitudes and ...
Determination of the Degree of Pain During Vaccination According to Wong Baker FACESdoi:10.26717/BJSTR.2020.27.004548Ibrahim D RudhaniNaim MorinaElezi GresaAhmet AvdulahuBiomedical Research Network+, LLC