The girl who wondered has seen wonders... has become a woman who has traveled the world, who has traveled worlds! A woman who has touched countless lives, has made them better in ways beyond measure. A woman who has brought hope, and joy, and love. A woman who is the hero of so ...
Wonder Girl has continued to be retconned followingCrisis on Infinite Earths,which reset Wonder Woman's continuity. FollowingCrisis, Donna Troy was given a new backstory in which she was saved from a fire not by Wonder Woman, but by the Titan Rhea. In this new storyline, Wonder Girl eventua...
The silver age stories of Wonder Woman can be broken into a few general arcs – the depowered stories (in the mod girl phase), undergoing tests to re-enter the Justice League of America, a golden age story about her work during the Second World War, her adventures as an astronaut for ...
Where we are isn’t the end of our story, of course. We know this to be true, else we wouldn’t ever pour another cup of coffee or put on our big girl pants to slay the day. But we also know that making changes is hard, and sometimes, it is entirely worth it to stay the co...
“Are we there, yet?” The little girl voice in me whines. An older, wiser voice answers, “No, my dear, this will be a very long journey.” We’re all getting weary with this pandemic. The isolation, restrictions, unusual working and learning conditions, and upside-down way of life...
Claire Foy’s sister called her last week, none too pleased that her sibling hadn’t told her that she’d be playing Lisbeth Salander in “The Girl in the Spider’s Web,” the long-delayed follow-up to the 2011 David Fincher film “The Girl With the Dragon ...
The film Alice Through the Looking Glass is on.Millions of people go to cinemas to see it.The little girl Alice,with long hair of gold,is alive in people's mind again after the film Alice in Wonderland was shown in 2010.These two popular films were adapted from the novels Alice's ...
4、Thoughts of you dance through my mind. Knowing, it is just a matter of time.Wondering... will u ever be mine?You are in my dreams, night... and sometimes... day.The thoughts seem to never fade away. Corwin Corey Amber 对你的思念挥之不去,我知道,那只是个时间的问题。我想知道,...
It was true that he was after Kara and not in a good way when the Saturn Girl plot elements showed up. the term “scuzz bucket” crossed my mind when I wrote some of those episode feedbacks. But in subsequent events when he did appear to counsel Kara, he offered some “sage advice...
two Amazons had been killed attempting to break a wild Kanga (as the Kangaroo type riding animals would be known in the comic book) two more had been killed as a result of a love affair gone bad. The jilted woman had killed her former girlfriend and had then been executed by the Queen...