The Industrial Revolution, traditionally associated with the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, has long been seen as the great historical turning point in the nature of women’s working lives. For with it came a reorganisation of the production process which separated the household from...
The combination of upper class and working class women gave the WTUL some much-needed legitimacy. When female shirtwaist factory workers were dismissed in 1909 for their involvement with the union, these females were joined on the picket line by their upper class allies. Police were forced to ha...
Debates over working-class living standards and the changing position of women during the industrial revolution remain unresolved. Both debates are hindered by limitations on the evidence. Wages data nearly always refer to male wage rates, saying nothing about women's wages or allocation of resources...
Mrs. Smith: "I have three children working in Wilson's mill; one 11, one 13, and the other 14. They work regular hours there. We don't complain. If they go to drop the hours, I don't know what poor people will do. We have hard work to live as it is. ...My husband is ...
“Working Women” is not a new phenomenon. It has been around for a while. It wassince the Industrial Revolution that women began to work for salaries andwages. I wish to emphasize this point as I have expected to wor...
The female labour market in English agriculture during the Industrial Revolution: expansion or contraction? This article reviews some of the recent literature on women's farm work and adds evidence from sources such as Marshall's Review and farm accounts to consi... P Sharpe - 《Agric Hist Rev...
How much was a child paid during the Industrial Revolution? Children were paid very little to nothing during the Industrial Revolution. They made a tenth of what men made, and some cases they were paid nothing and worked for room and board. What changed for children in the Industrial Revoluti...
Otter-Peters being a woman during the Industrial Revolution wrote about women at the time working in making lace, and the 1551 Words 7 Pages Decent Essays Read More Women In Second Wave Civilizations Women in second wave civilizations from China, Rome, and Greece around 600 BCE to 200 AC wer...
How crucial was it to the Industrial Revolution? Generally, how many hours did these women and children work each day? What health problems were generated by mine labor? Name some ways this type of work affected family life? Do women work in coal mines today? [Source: Children Working ...
Women who worked in mills in Massachusetts during the Industrial Revolution (1830s) lived in an era of exploitation. These women were being used by factory owners. Factory owners had control over what women in the mills did and also had control over what they did in the boarding houses which...