Women Who Help Women ; Female Philanthropy Links Those with Wealth to Those Who Have NothingAs more women acquire the financial muscle to support a cause,they seem to feel a special pull...Bennhold, Katrin
FosterWomen is a consortium of women-owned businesses supporting women-owned businesses and built for women to tell their personal stories and inspire others.
Women Who Master!罗技携手科技女性绽放“她力量” 随着三八妇女节的临近,罗技观察到,在STEM(科学、科技、工程和数学)领域,中国女性得益于公平的教育政策和保障女性就业权益的相关规定,其职业发展环境得到了显著改善。但是,尽管如此,科技工作者中女性的占比仍不足三分之一,她们依旧面临着刻板印象束缚、工作与生活平衡...
Leading women's media platform bringing interviews and tips on creating diversity, inclusion, and equity. Based in Boston, Women Who Win brings exclusive interviews on women empowerment, women at work, women's health, top tech women executives, top fe
FIFA Women’s World Cup, a tournament that captivated global audiences and propelled interest in women’s athletics at all levels, said Jacqueline Ackerman, interim director of the Women’s Philanthropy Institute, who noted that such high-profile events often inspire support for local programs as ...
为了鼓励更多女性在技术领域发挥她们的作用,一个专门的国际性非盈利组织Women Who Code(以下简称WWCode)诞生了。WWCode成立于美国旧金山,截止去年已发展到20个国家,60个城市,50000多名社团成员,成为了全球最大、发展最快的非盈利女性工程师组织之一。去年开始,WWCode的步伐也逐渐向中国拓展,目前在北京和上海都有WWCod...
Women’s Health Network helps you solve health problems related to hormonal imbalance – menopause, low thyroid, bone loss, weight gain, fatigue and more.
Women Who Master!罗技携手科技女性绽放“她力量”! [db:摘要] 随着三八妇女节的临近,罗技观察到,在STEM(科学、科技、工程和数学)领域,中国女性得益于公平的教育政策和保障女性就业权益的相关规定,其职业发展环境得到了显著改善。但是,尽管如此,科技工作者中女性的占比仍不足三分之一,她们依旧面临着刻板印象束缚、...
On 7th March, the Consulate General of Brazil in Shanghai, Suzano and She Rewires have jointly presented the event of “Women Who Create: Inspiring Innovators Across the Globe” to celebrate the International Women’s Day tog...