Changes in sexual functioning in women and men in the 5 years after bariatric surgery JAMA Surg, 154 (2019), pp. 487-498 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar 19 M. Musella, M. Milone, M. Bellini, et al. Effect of bariatric surgery on obesity-related infertility Surg Obes Relat Dis, 8...
In this country, women outnumber men in such essential sectors of the national economy as law, medicine, and education. In local universities, the overwhelming majority of teachers are women.Venezuelan women stand for gender equality and women’s empowerment. However, many people understand that ...
We only count women where men have been charged, or deemed responsible for the death of a woman by a statutory agency, for example in cases such as those where men have killed themselves after killing a woman or have been held under the Mental Health Act in relation to a killing. The F...
Seckin B, Cicek MN, Dikmen AU, Bostancı EI, Muftuoglu KH. Diagnostic value of sonography for detecting endometrial pathologies in postmenopausal women with and without bleeding. J Clin Ultrasound. 2016;44(6):339-346. doi:10.1002/jcu.22329PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 163. Trabert B, Went...
Physical activity, obesity, and risk for colon cancer and adenoma in men. Ann Intern Med. 1995;122(5):327-334. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-122-5-199503010-00002PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 62. Martínez ME, Giovannucci E, Spiegelman D, Hunter DJ, Willett WC, Colditz GA; Nurses’ Health ...
Cambridge, MA, library to replace racist 'Cat in the Hat' with inclusive 'Che in a Beret' Millions of men worldwide eagerly await broadcast of Hugh Hefner's funeral, solely for the articles Bill Gates offers to pay for Trump's wall on condition he gets to install Windows Be...
Future trials exploring new endocrine/endocrine-biological strategies should be designed to allow for enrolment of both pre- and postmenopausal women and men. [I, A] Platinum agents have been demonstrated to be superior to taxanes in BRCA-associated advanced breast cancer. [I, B] Single-agent...
In participants consuming quantities of EPA+DHA in the middle tertile of the population, oleic acid and lineoleic acid in men, and oleic acid, lineoleic acid and ALA in women were inversely related to serum CRP concentrations. This result suggests that a moderate intake of EPA+DHA may ...
Men Perinatal Mental Health: Towards a Multi-Dimensional ApproachAdolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and RightsAdolescent Depression PreventionAdvances and Effectiveness of School-Based Interventions for Wellbeing and HealthAdvances and Innovations in Mental Health and Public HealthAdvances in ...
In addition, the local Health Promotion Board and various cancer societies hold activities and campaigns regularly to increase breast cancer awareness and promote the uptake of mammography screening. Women between the ages of 40 and 49 are encouraged to be screened but are urged to consult their ...