During the Revolutionary War, patriotism had no gender. A number of women worked as spies to help the patriots. Agent 355, her name was never identified, referenced a woman in the Culper Spy Ring. During the American Revolutionary War, the Culper Spy Ring was organized to work to defeat th...
“Flying Squadron,” as spies. All these seemingly minor facts helped contribute to her historical villification. Finally, while one might consider the end result of the 6,000 St. Bartholomew killings as “limited,” the final numbers when the massacres spread throughout France were perhaps as...
At one time, women weren’t able to do many things because of their gender. Here are some women trailblazers. Being the first, made it easier for other women to follow in their footsteps. Every year, new firsts continue to be made by women. Here is just a sampling of firsts made by...