Proverbs 31:25-26. For a loving, faithful and responsible husband, this one of the great tattoo ideas for women and can be an excellent Mother’s Day surprise. It edifies the wife and exalts her noble character. It also signifies that she and the family’s future is well secure and pro...
I have endeavoured to set before you the exceeding sinfulness of slavery, and to point you to the example of those noble women who have been raised up in the church to effect great revolutions, and to suffer for the truth’s sake. I have appealed to your sympathies as women, to your...
honor, love, dignity. That is most noble of all legacies to leave. It makes my heart overflow knowing one day I will get to meet this prince among foreigners – the one with God’s favor – the one from whom all people come from – as his descendants are as numerous as the stars....
It actually, when I look back, makes me think of that line in the movie “My big fat Greek wedding” where the mother of the young girl Toula, said “Just remember Toula, the man is the head, BUT the woman is the neck, and we can turn our men any which way we want”...
repeatedly affirmed her faith. Eventually she exhausted her tormentors’ patience, and they finished her off with a dagger blow. Again, this is an unusual instance in ancient literature: a woman emerges as a real character—and not only that, but as the central character—in a work of ...
So it is with scripture. The word of God is there, able to transform your life. But you must probe for it. You have to penetrate the surface with more than just a cursory glance. — Howard G. Hendricks 21 For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. — Sayings...
her own weakness may be a very amiable person in other respects, but cannot be called a good woman; such beings should not find favor in the eyes of a man, for a truly beautiful and purely manly nature should be attracted only by what is highest and noblest in the character of woman....