Unfortunately, the public realm is instead often “intimidating, exclusionary, inaccessible, unjust, and inequitable” for many women, LGBTQIA+ people, people with disabilities, and people of color. Landscape architects, planners, and others need to understand who feels safe and comfortable in public...
Women and Men: Stories of Seduction: Directed by Frederic Raphael, Tony Richardson, Ken Russell. With Melanie Griffith, James Woods, Carmen Segarra, Felipe García Vélez. Three short stories, each focused on a man and a woman. The first is set in the 19
PRZECZYTAJ NASZ WYWIAD [#WOMENWHOMASTER] Z NELLY Eliminowanie uprzedzeń od młodego wieku. Fondation Pacte, jako organizacja, zaobserwowała zmianę pośród płci w entuzjazmie wobec nauk STEM. Około 13. roku życia dziewczynki zaczynają wycofywać się z nich ze ...
Women Who Win(1919) Alice De Winton Actress Lady Windermere's Fan(1916) Frank Adair Actor The Artistic Temperament(1919) Rachel de Solla Actress The Ticket-of-Leave Man(1918) Frank G. Richardson Actor Women Who Win(1919) Queen Alexandra ...
This chapter situates some recent approaches to pornography in North America within the context of the feminist “porn wars”, as well as of different positions within the wide spectrum of feminist discourse on pornography. The two case studies are a...
News about women's health risks is prevalent in the mass media, and how that news is presented is important for the women who uses it to make decisions about her health. Conferees at a Jacobs Institute symposium reviewed the presentation and discussion of risk factors in scientific articles and...
[Efficiency of iodine prophylaxis in pregnant women with nontoxic diffuse goiter in a mild iodine-deficiency area] In women with NDG, pregnancy is most commonly complicated as threatening miscarriage, particularly in those who have not received iodine prophylaxis. Smoking ... AV Dreval,TP Shestakova...
When comparing athletes who compete directly against one another, such as elite or comparable levels of school-aged athletes, the physiological advantages conferred by biological sex appear, on assessment of performance data, insurmountable. Further, in sports where contact, collision or combat are impo...
As reports of ongoing inequity in pay, in promotions, and even in how we are addressed (more introductions of women by first name than by “Dr.”) demonstrate, we must do more to promote women in academic medicine. I do this with the “lifting up” approach. I actively look for women...
The study is the largest of its kind for a generation and cited by leading Dublin-based academic Dr. Jane Pilliger as one of the most extensive pieces of research on sexual harassment at work in Europe. It reveals that of those surveyed, nearly one in three (32 percent) of women have ...