Harvard Undergraduate Women in Computer Science is many things - an advocacy organization, a professional development network, and a supportive community of friends. Come join us! Contact one of our comp directors, Megan Ong (meganong@college.harvard.edu) & Prin Pulkes (prinpulkes@college.harvard...
Women in Computer Science St Andrews is a student-run society looking to address gender bias and diversity in STEM and technology subjects.
The under-representation of w omen in computer science education courses is well documented, and the social and commercial need to address this is widely recognised. Previous literature offers some explanation for this gender imbalance, but there has been limited qualitative data to provide an in-de...
Scientific American is part of Springer Nature, which owns or has commercial relations with thousands of scientific publications (many of them can be found at www.springernature.com/us). Scientific American maintains a strict policy of editorial independence in reporting developments in science to...
Just a few minutes ago I signed my part of the papers to create the Rico Mariani Women in Computer Science scholarship at my alma, the University of Waterloo.I don't usually put my name on things, especially charitable giving, but in this case it was important to me to not only give ...
Curated by Dr. Laura Hoopes, Halstead-Bent Professor of Biology at Pomona College, Women in Science is a discussion space on issues of parity and the female experience in science. Please join in to share your experiences, perspectives and opinions.
(2006). "Women in Computer Science: No Shortage Here", Communications of the ACM, March 2006, 49, 3, 111-114.M. Othman and R. Latih, "Women in Computer Science: NO SHORTAGE HERE", Communications of the ACM. New York , vol 49 (3), March 2006....
Every year women make up a disproportionately small percentage of computer science graduates. Recognizing the low representation of women in the field, the Bending Spoons scholarship for women in computer science focuses on fostering outstanding talent and creating further opportunities for excellence. The...
To recognize and honor the contributions of women in society and technology, HP has expanded the day into an entire International Women's Week. Nothing shows the structural challenge that women face in Computer Science better than college graduation data. In 2013 Randy Olson at the National ...
Also, it was interesting how about half of the Computer Science Faculty at my college were women. The chair of the CS department is a woman. I never really felt “alone.”Yeah, tonight I’m blaming the decrease in women in computer science on movies and video games. I might come up ...