leads Elle into Harvard, and on to surpass all expectations. This movie might seem like a ditzy watch, but underneath the sorority pink and chihuahua outfits, we see a womandefying stereotypes
This movie, a remake, was released six years after François Truffaut's source French movie L'homme qui aimait les femmes (1977). Goofs When Julie Andrews unwraps the book on the plane, the front cover is visible before she flips it over to face her, but then when it is shown from...
Playtime movie (Jaques Tati 1967) . Image via screenshot Architecture criticism and journalism are often expected to announce "the good, the bad, and the ugly" in architecture and the built environment. Its purposes go however further than that. AsMichael Sorkin put it, "seeing beyond the gl...
但受疫情影响,它在内地的档期还缥缈不定,此时一篇考究的影评如及时雨,一解我们的宅家之“苦”,精彩之处就像置身影院现场...The movieLittle Women, based on the novel of the same name by Louisa May Alcott, focuses on female ...
Little Women: Directed by Gillian Armstrong. With Winona Ryder, Gabriel Byrne, Trini Alvarado, Samantha Mathis. Jo struggles for independence and sometimes clashes with her beloved mother and sisters Meg, Amy and Beth. She also contends with their cranky
The Trojan Women: Directed by Michael Cacoyannis. With Katharine Hepburn, Vanessa Redgrave, Geneviève Bujold, Irene Papas. The women of Troy face enslavement after the fall of their city.
Credit: Moviestore / Shutterstock Set in 1912, Suffragette (a term itself more common in the UK versus the U.S., where "suffragists" is more acceptable) recounts a group of working women who joined, organised, and fought for the women’s suffrage movement in the UK, and who were arr...
Conversations with Other Women: Directed by Hans Canosa. With Aaron Eckhart, Helena Bonham Carter, Yury Tsykun, Brian Geraghty. When a man and woman flirt with each other at a wedding reception, the sexual tension seems spontaneous. As they break from th
Zoe agrees with Zhili, stating that, “Giving women a space to freely express themselves and find solace in each other’s company is as important as giving them a space to read and think undisturbed.” She too o...
Simone: I still want us to have our movie nights. You wouldn't have to drive home after cocktails. Karl: Our friends are going to desprise us...When people split up, they prefer venom and fireworks, tears and accusations. Simone: So childish and petty. Besides, we did that last week...