The First World War is of capital importance to understand the connection between women and war in the wide sense of the word - not just war as combat - because it intersects with crucial developments in the history of feminism. Since women (and I'll refer here mainly to British women) ...
In a great show of hypocrisy, the British Army did not welcome the women who ventured near the front to fight or to cover the war as journalists but was quite willing to exploit the labour offered by those who volunteered to write government-sponsored war propaganda, to collaborate with ...
This propaganda was seen everywhere during this era due to the self-interests of the British …show more content… It represents the gender of this person who is doing the jobs like a man. That is not the whole story because in the 5th line, this gender is called “Strong, sensible, ...
However, it is fair to say thatpropagandaand mass media encouraged women to glorify those who fought in the war and persuaded them to engage in activities that were portrayed as helpful and patriotic, even though they were not. Despite his obvious bitterness towards how women treated men at wa...