knowing she would be one of few women — sometimes the only woman — in the room. “At that time, you didn’t find women in any leadership position and IT was not the exception,” she said. “You didn’t have many examples or other ...
I do think it's important that women are part of the science and engineering workforce. Of course, as Mad Dog points out, there are women in all STEM fields, but in certain fields, there are very few women. While the doors are not officially shut to women in these fields, barriers st...
The predominance of men in positions of greater responsibility and decision-making is evident in most video games. A few examples of these are: Tom Nook is the owner of the Nook company and head of the neighborhood management office in ACNH; Professor Serbal is the leading expert on Pokémon...
Carter Wall developed an interest in science at an early age yet struggled to find examples of women scientists and engineers beyond historical figures, like Marie Curie. A lack of relatable role-models didn't stop Carter from pursuing an undergraduate education and career rooted in STEM -- shor...
Finale: women and men in translation Do all these translating traits have (necessarily) to do with the sex of the translator? We seriously doubt it. The (translated) examples in this paper come from both men and women translators. Almudena Grandes's Las edades de Lulú (1993) was translated...
The amazing female role models on this list are inspiring examples of powerful females, killing it at the tops of their fields and in the trenches, helping to make the world a better place for everyone, but especially for women and girls all over the world. After all, there are ...
Moore2 Abstract Background Although a large body of research has identified challenges faced by women in STEM fields and strate- gies to improve the experience for women in STEM, little of this research has examined which strategies undergradu- ate women would recommend to their ...
Tell us how to prioritize the advancements in STEM over the next decade and how women can lead or contribute significantly to these changes. Our scholarship committee prioritizes applications that provide supporting examples and evidence of impact. Untitled* By selecting this checkbox your agree to...
This year’s International Day of Women and Girls in Science theme resonates with us: we have identified ten SDGs that we contribute to in our client work and in our own operations. Examples of projects and initiatives that showcase these contributions are included in WSP’s latest ESG ...
Despite ongoing efforts to increase the number of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and in medicine, Hispanic women remain severely underrepresented in these fields. T...