following their inaugural Episodic Lab. The latter will receive another installment in L.A. this October, as well. Six female writers will be chosen to participate in the feature writing lab program, which will include one-on-one mentorship, workshops with the other participants, as well as ne...
Once again, Reichardt has crafted a wondrous little story about two friends roaming the natural splendors of the Pacific Northwest, searching for their place in the world. The appeal of this hypnotic, unpredictable movie comes from how they find that place through mutual failure — which leads ...
The movie is another fictionalized account inspired by the infamous series of unsolved murders that occurred in London’s Whitechapel district in the late 19th century, attributed to a mysterious and never-apprehended serial killer known as Jack the Ripper. In the film, the story follows the ...
N.A. GRANGER is a Professor Emerita at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. After forty years of research and teaching undergraduates and medical students, plus earning her EMT license, she decided to use her knowledge of human anatomy and emergency medicine in mystery writing. ...
Judith VanistendaelDutch artist; created De Maagd en de Neger (2007), about her relationship with an African refugee, and Toen David zijn stem verloor, about cancer and death.Sara GranérSwedish cartoonist; created Det är bara lite AIDS and Med vänlig hälsning; her style features ...
Like Caspary, but unlike most traditional Jewish writers, Yezierska put women at the center of her writing— those born into poverty-stricken Jewish families in New York’s Lower East side. Her stories were first collected in Hungry Hearts, 1920, and made into a silent movie in 1922....
I say, ‘apparently’, because, thrown into the mix we have an unreliable narrator, the protagonist, Judith Granger. Brought back to England, from her work abroad by the dreadful news, her part of the story is told in first person point of view. And, to be honest, I was completely ta...
Judith Anderson: There is nothing enduring in life for a women except what she builds in a man's heart. Margaret Anderson: It is rarely that you see an American writer who is not hopelessly sane. Marian Anderson: As long as you keep a person down, some part of you has to be down ...
One of these was Judith Belushi, widow of TV-movie comic John Belushi; the subject was John's biography Wired. Ms. Belushi complained that the book was unfair in that it did not say that "drugs can be fun" (John Belushi died from a drug overdose.) Stout commented, "For what has to...
Many people in communities particularly women and girls are feeling exhausted by the unpaid care, domestic and communal work – DIVA for Equality