The Value of Hard-Earned Money: Jessica Shah Shares Journey in Finance, Entrepreneurship, and Akshaya Patra More Stories Prefer to Get Inspired on the Go? Check our our podcast on spotify! Young Professionals “How Our Parents Used to Take Pictures” - Vinita Khilnani Reflects on Her Professiona...
Podcast: Young Lawyer Rising Category: Early Career & Young Lawyers , Early Career and Law School , Litigation , Women in Law Episode Notes Women in the criminal justice system continue to face a number of different challenges and career barriers; especially as it relates to hiri...
Hillary Walsh is an award-winning human rights lawyer who has dedicated her life to liberating domestic violence and human trafficking survivors. Her innovative approach to business has helped her grow an eight figure law firm,New Frontier, in less than 5 years. She is also a 20-year mili...
Managers Where are the female founders in private real estate? Featured PODCAST: Leadership lessons from the Women of Influence SEE MORE Click here to access PERE‘s in-depth special reports covering a wide array of topics, plus our digital magazines.Agri...
Jones Day's "Women in IP" Initiative addresses the historic underrepresentation of women in intellectual property law with topical programming, networking opportunities, strategic mentoring arrangements, and a popular speaker series. Jones Day IP lawyersMeredith Wilkes(Chair of the WIP Initiative),Tracy ...
the guys we fucked part came from corinne. after talking more in-depth about what we wanted the podcast to be, i added the anti–slut shaming portion. we’re both very comfortable with ourselves and our sexuality, and we realized not enough people are talking about sex in the way we ...
films (and a couple of really good documentaries) — presented in no particular order — shine an interpretive light on the stories of real women: mothers, daughters, sisters, everyday revolutionaries, who often paid immense personal costs fighting for our right to live equally under the law. ...
The Women's IP World annual is the only digital and printed publication dedicated to celebrating the important roles women play working in the field of IP law and innovation globally.
there weren’t that many women. In the corporate law department, I was the first woman who gave birth there. I think there was a thought—and I saw [that] was [the case] with some of the senior executive women later on in my Fortune 50 companies—that you had to decide between a ...
Lazy Women’s New Podcast Series: Making it in Western Europe Lazy ZsofiJanuary 16, 2024 Discover compelling stories of Eastern European and Central Asian women making their mark in Western Europe on Lazy Women's new podcast series, 'Making it in Western Europe.' Co-founded by the European ...