Home to one of the world’s youngest populations, India’s goal to become the third-largest economy by 2030 would necessitate the active participation of women in the workforce, who constitute more than 48 percent of the country’s population. India’s female workforce participation was over 27...
IndiastatWomen.Com - Find the most recent statistical data information about selected state-wise women schemes, education, electoral data, health, incidence of crime, women schemes, demographics
India is the world's largest democracy in the world with a population of nearly 1.25 billion. Higher and Technical education of women in India plays an important role in improving living standards and prosperity of the country. A higher women illiterateness rate improves the quality of life at...
Washington DC.Anisha Singh is one of the top businesswomen in India.She was also the judge for an Indian reality show, MTV Dropout, that was based on entrepreneurship.
Throughout India, more women are entering the workforce. That number is increasing alongside opportunities for education. Still, with the world’s second largest population, India has room for improvement. “Four out of five women in Indiado not participatein the workforce,” says Pragya Singh, ...
in public. As per official figures released by India's National Crime Records Bureau, in the year 2016 as many as 39 crimes against women were reported every hour, up from 21 in 2007. The rate of crimes per 100,000 female population was 55.2 during the year, up from 41.7 in 2012. ...
The opportunity for selection was estimated in the rural population of Visakhapat‐nam District, Andhra Pradesh, India. The index of total selection was found to be low. Selection in relation to birth control reveals that opportunity for selection is lower among the women who completed their ...
Violence against women is now widely recognised as an important public health problem, owing to its health consequences. Violence against women among many Indian communities on a regularly basis goes unreported. The objective of this study is to report t
Because of the continued male-dominance in Africa and Asia, life expectancy and the health of women was affected. In the 1970s, twenty percent of the female population of India was malnourished and another thirty percent had diets well below acceptable in the U.S. In Indian custom, women se...
not include the processing of primary goods and collection of free goods in the computation of India’s GDP, which means that workers engaged in these activities, mostly women, are excluded from the estimated workforce of the National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) and the Population Census. ...