where everyone knows everyone, spending most of her time alone in the apartment in the care of Sista, while her father is at his office and her mother is out teaching piano lessons. She adores herquiet,delicatemother, who keeps to herself and treats her daughter like a friend, while...
About this chapter Cite this chapter De Gezelle, J. (2014). Q’eqchi’ Women’s Lives, Healthcare and Cultural Loss. In: Q’eqchi’ Maya Reproductive Ethnomedicine. SpringerBriefs in Plant Science. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-10744-8_4 Download citation .RIS .ENW...
Women in prison experience challenges in caring for their under-five children who live with them in prison. The study participants reported being denied access to timely medical care for their sick children: ‘… Healthcare access for children is a problem here: the children need to receive medi...
healthcare. But women in Virginia are already receiving abortion care at the highest standard, and medically inappropriate and unnecessary regulations will only serve to restrict access to the full range of reproductive health care services and further marginalize young, low-income, uninsured and ...
Perhaps because our country uses a universal health-care system, the government has realized that it is in the best interest of the "establishment" to promote something that has been proven to keep babies healthier! My mother's generation had to be back to work in less than 16 weeks!!!
On the other hand, there may be less of a difference when access to health care is universal, or where there are organized screening programs. We previously reported that breast cancer incidence in Norway is higher in non-immigrant women and immigrant women from Western Europe and North America...
I oversee Skanska’s strategic development for North Carolina, and I’m responsible for pursuing projects within our core markets of higher education, healthcare, municipal, K-12 and life sciences. Through partnerships with our project teams, I work to strengthen our brand in th...
src = TREATY&mtdsg_no = IV-15&chapter = 4〈 = en (last visited 19 February 2019). 36. Krishnan, N., et al., "Uneven Odds, Unequal Outcomes: Inequality of Opportunity in the Middle East and North Africa," World Bank, 2016, fig. 1.7. 37. Rank, M.R., and T.A. ...
There, she was introduced to gymnastics during a day care field trip to a gym; a coach noticed Biles imitating the other gymnasts and contacted her parents about training. She began competing at the state level in her early teens, capturing top honors in all-around and floor exercise before...
South Carolina contends first that the district court's due process analysis is supported by neither the record nor the law. It maintains that Regulation 61-12, which is based on national healthcare standards for abortions, is rationally related to protecting the health of women seeking abortions...