Starling is a proud supporter of the Women in Finance Charter, having become a founding signatory in 2017. We believe that this voluntary commitment made by HM Treasury and signatory firms to improve the gender balance in the financial services industry has the potential to create lasting change....
Since signing on the HM Treasury’s Women in Finance Charter, we have made tangible steps towards achieving our targets by taking the following actions: Inclusion and Diversity targets are set for Senior Leaders for the whole organisation and specifically for leadership within the Finance function. ...
Women in Finance Charter Links Executive Pay to Gender DiversityFordham, Louise
英国国际贸易部金融与服务行业总监 路睿作为英国财政部的代表,路睿先生进一步分享了英国财政部于2016年发起的财务金融女性宪章(Women in Finance Charter)积极推动金融服务行业女性权益的提升。ICAEW中国区总监 于晶晶作为本次活动的主办方,ICAEW中国区总监于晶晶女士表示女性在职场中面临平衡工作和生活、生育造成的...
Amanda Blanc, Group CEO, shares some leadership advice with Marta Stawski from Aviva Canada in this short film. We're in the top 50 We are proud to have been named in the Times Top 50 Employers for Gender Equality seven years running. Compiled by gender equality experts at Business in the...
作为英国财政部的代表,路睿先生进一步分享了英国财政部于2016年发起的财务金融女性宪章(Women in Finance Charter)积极推动金融服务行业女性权益的提升。 ICAEW中国区总监 于晶晶 作为本次活动的主办方,ICAEW中国区总监于晶晶女士表示女性在职场中面临平衡工作和生活、生育造成的事业中断、女性所承担的事业和家庭的责任的...
11月12日下午,由ICAEW与中子星创科联合主办的Women in Finance女性财务金融论坛在英国驻华大使官邸成功举办。 本次活动以“2021与魅力领袖同行”为主题,聚焦企业财务数智化转型与发展等具有现实意义的专业话题进行深入研讨和互动交流,旨在引领女性 CFO 及财务管理者在数字经济时代为企业发展创造更多价值。英国驻华大使馆...
In March 2018, we signed the HM Treasury Women in Finance Charter, marking our commitment to improving gender diversity in our industry, through supporting the progression of women in senior roles within our organisation. We have reinforced our commitment to ensuring gender diversity within our firm...
The Women in Finance Community is a network whose vision is to create a profession in which members can lead a career without limits. Its programme provides personal development and networking opportunities to enable women in finance to achieve their pot
In the U.S., we partner with Paradigm for Parity℠ to improve the balance of female representation in senior leadership and client-facing roles. And in 2017 we signed the UK Women in Finance Charter, committing to improve the gender balance of our company, with an EMEA target of 28% fe...